This article analyzes the manifestations, characteristics, and significance of multi-slice spiral CT for diffuse lung disease, and evaluates the diagnostic value of multi-slice CT multi-directional reconstruction for diffuse lung disease. After performing multi-slice spiral CT examination
on the patient and collecting relevant data, the characteristic multi-slice CT imaging findings of diffuse lung disease were determined by statistical analysis. Diffuse lung disease is representative in multi-slice spiral CT image imaging manifestations of the disease include multiple disseminated
small nodules, multiple voids, ground glass shadows, and lung consolidation. And analyze the correlation of image performance, and then use statistical methods to analyze and evaluate the value of multi-slice spiral CT characteristic images in the diagnosis of diffuse lung disease, and analyze
the characteristics of these characteristic multi-slice CT image appearances. The use of high-resolution CT to screen the characteristic CT imaging findings of the same research object, and then to perform a statistical analysis of the diagnostic differences with multi-slice spiral CT, further
confirmed the importance of multi-slice CT for diffuse lung disease Diagnostic value. Studies have shown that multi-slice CT imaging technology is of great significance in the evaluation of diffuse lung diseases.