. Can. J. Chem. 69,1563Chem. 69, (1991. Two constituent components of the stereoisomeric aminocyclitol antibiotics hygromycin B and destomycin A, namely, (+)-hyosamine and (-)-hyosamine ( 1~-and ID-(1 ,3/2,4,6)-4-amino-6-methylamino-l,2,3-cyclohexanetrio1 1 and 2, respectively) were synthesized independently in enantiospecific fashion from the common preparative precursor 3, 1~-(1,3/2,4,6)-6-azido-1,2-0-isopropylidene-4-nitro-1,2,3-cyclohexanetriol, which is conveniently accessible from D-mannose. The key strategy involved selective and sequential reduction of the nitrogenous functions in 3 to the amino stage and installation of an N-methyl group in appropriately blocked derivatives. Several variations based on this principle were examined, and one approach to 1 as well as two approaches to 2 were successfully completed. The target amines were characterized as their crystalline penta-N,O-acetyl derivatives 12 and 22.Key words: aminocyclitol antibiotics, enantiospecific syntheses of hyosamines, nitrogen-substituted 1,2,3-cyclohexanetnols. [Traduit par la rkdaction] Introduction The aminocyclitol antibiotics hygromycin B and destomycin A produced by Streptomyces hygroscopicus and Streptomyces rimofaciens, respectively, are diastereomers. Each consists of an amino-methylamino-cyclohexanetriol unit (an N-methyl-2-deoxystreptamine) to which is glycosidically linked the rare sugar D-talose, which, in turn, bears on its 0-2,O-3 positions a 6-amino-6-deoxyheptono-1,5-lactone, attached in orthoester fashion. The sole structural difference between the two antibiotics is the enantiotopic position of the N-methyl substituent in the diaminocyclitol(1). Thus, hygromycin B yields on hydrolysis the dextrorotatory fragment 1, termed (+)-hysamine ( 1~-(1,3/2,4,6)-4-amino-6-methylamino-1,2,3-cyclohexanetriol),