[1,5]‐H shift of (Z,Z) 1,3‐pentadienes are known to take suprafacial mode. The stereochemical fate of the reaction when halogens are involved in the [1,5]‐shift in similar (Z,Z) 1,3‐pentadienes is presented in this work. Interesting tendency of fluorine to take up the forbidden and relatively expensive antarafacial path as an economical route for [1,5]‐fluorine shift is owed to the aromaticity of the transition state. Remarkable correlations between various aromaticity indices (bond alternation coefficient [BAC], harmonic oscillator model of aromaticity [HOMA], nucleus independent chemical shift (NICS), and ellipticity [ξ]) with activation barriers pave solid foundation to the fact that aromaticity of transition states (TS) in pericyclic reaction can manoeuvre the stereochemical course of a reaction. The differential effect of fluorine to other halogens is exemplified by the antara migration while the other halogens (Cl and Br) prefer supra mode. NBO studies and the topological parameter, ellipticity used as a measure of aromatic criterion support the above fact.