report on the changes in the dual fluorescence of two cyanine
dyes IR144 and IR140 as a function of viscosity and probe their internal
conversion dynamics from S2 to S1 via their
dependence on a femtosecond laser pulse chirp. Steady-state and time-resolved
measurements performed in methanol, ethanol, propanol, ethylene glycol,
and glycerol solutions are presented. Quantum calculations reveal
the presence of three excited states responsible for the experimental
observations. Above the first excited state, we find an excited state,
which we designate as S1′, that relaxes to the S1 minimum, and we find that the S2 state has two
stable configurations. Chirp-dependence measurements, aided by numerical
simulations, reveal how internal conversion from S2 to
S1 depends on solvent viscosity and pulse duration. By
combining solvent viscosity, transform-limited pulses, and chirped
pulses, we obtain an overall change in the S2/S1 population ratio of a factor of 86 and 55 for IR144 and IR140, respectively.
The increase in the S2/S1 ratio is explained
by a two-photon transition to a higher excited state. The ability
to maximize the population of higher excited states by delaying or
bypassing nonradiative relaxation may lead to the increased efficiency
of photochemical processes.