A= estimated system matrix A s 0 = time invariant generalized aerodynamic stiffness matrix of the structural modes, A s 0 2 R 44 A s 1 = time invariant generalized aerodynamic damping matrix of the structural modes, A s 1 2 R 44 A s 2 = time invariant generalized aerodynamic mass matrix of the structural modes, A s 2 2 R 44 b = semichord of the wing, m B= estimated input matrix of control B = diagonal matrix of modal dampinĝ C = estimated output matrix of system D = matrix used in minimum-state rational function approximation e 1 = estimated prediction error Pt = gain matrix Ps = estimated denominator polynomial of the transfer function of the controlled aeroelastic system K = stiffness matrix of elastic modes, diagonal for orthogonal elastic modes M = modal mass matrix involving elastic modes only, diagonal due to the orthogonality of elastic modes M = inertial coupling submatrix between control modes and elastic modes Q m s = transfer function of the reference model q d = dynamic pressure, Pa u = control input, rad V = flight speed, m=s v = measurement noise w = Gaussian random input to turbulence in spectral form xt = state vector of the aeroelastic system, including the first four modal displacements , modal velocities _ , aerodynamic state vector and actuator state vector X a = aerodynamic state vector y m t = reference output signal, m=s 2Ẑ s = estimated numerator polynomial of the transfer function of the controlled aeroelastic system = generic individual control surface deflection as a function of time, 2 R, rad p = vector of the unknown parameters, p 2 R 32 p = estimation of p = vector of the generalized modes, 2 R 4