The main goal of building composite materials and structures is to provide appropriate a priori controlled physico-chemical properties. For this purpose, a strengthening is introduced that can bear loads higher than those borne by isotropic materials, improve creep resistance, etc. Composite materials can be designed in a different fashion to meet specific properties requirements.Nevertheless, it is necessary to be careful about the orientation, placement and sizes of different types of reinforcement. These issues should be solved by optimization, which, however, requires the construction of appropriate models. In the present paper we intend to discuss formulations of kinematic and constitutive relations and the possible application of homogenization methods. Then, 2D relations for multilayered composite plates and cylindrical shells are derived with the use of the Euler–Lagrange equations, through the application of the symbolic package Mathematica. The introduced form of the First-Ply-Failure criteria demonstrates the non-uniqueness in solutions and complications in searching for the global macroscopic optimal solutions. The information presented to readers is enriched by adding selected review papers, surveys and monographs in the area of composite structures.