A computational method is described for predicting utter of turbomachinery cascades with mistuned blades. The method solves the unsteady Euler/Navier-Stokes equations for multiple-blade passages on a parallel computer using the message passing interface. A second-order implicit scheme with dual time-stepping and multigrid is used. Each individual blade is capable of moving with its own independent frequency and phase angle, thus modeling a cascade with mistuned blades. Flutter predictions are performed through the energy method. Both phase-angle and frequency mistuning are studied. It is found that phase-angle mistuning has little effect on stability, whereas frequency mistuning signi cantly changes the aerodynamic damping. The important effect of frequency mistuning is to average out the aerodynamic damping of the tuned blade row over the whole range of interblade phase angles (IBPA). If a tuned blade row is stable over most of the IBPA range, the blades can be stabilized for the complete IBPA range through appropriate frequency mistuning.