In this paper, we investigate the limiting behavior of Riemann solutions to the Euler equations of compressible fluid flow for modified Chaplygin gas with the body force as the two parameters tend to zero. The formation of delta shock waves and the vacuum states is identified and analyzed during the process of vanishing pressure in the Riemann solutions. The concentration and cavitation are fundamental and physical phenomena in fluid dynamics, which can be mathematically described by delta shock waves and vacuums, respectively. In this paper, our main objective is to rigorously investigate the formation of delta shock waves and vacuums and observe the concentration and cavitation phenomena. First, the Riemann problem of the Euler equations of compressible fluid flow for the modified Chaplygin gas with the body force is solved. Second, we rigorously confirm that, as the pressure vanishes, any two shock Riemann solution to the Euler equations of compressible fluid flow for the modified Chaplygin gas with the body force tends to a δ-shock solution to the pressureless gas dynamics model with a body force, and the intermediate density between the two shocks tends to a weighted δ-measure that forms the δ-shock; any two-rarefaction-wave Riemann solution to the Euler equations of compressible fluid flow for the modified Chaplygin gas with the body force tends to a solution consisting of four contact discontinuities together with vacuum states with three different virtual velocities in the limiting situation.