A major result of the various genome programs has been an accumulation of complete genomic sequences and their associated annotation. These resources are extremely valuable to various fields of biology, not least metabolism and metabolic modelling. As these complete sequences have started appearing they have been used to derive lists of metabolic reactions that are catalysed by enzymes whose genes are identified in the genome sequence. These metabolic "reconstructions" are further interpreted as metabolic networks and several analyses can be derived from them. In the case of the popular model organism Saccharomyces cerevisiae the metabolic reconstruction is fairly advanced in terms of completeness and sophistication [2,1].On its own, a metabolic reconstruction can be analysed through a number of approaches: network analyses (clustering coe cients, betweeness centrality, etc.) provide metrics about the connectedness of the network; elementary flux mode analysis provides a unique decomposition of the network in minimal subsets that are capable of operating independently. By joining extra quantivative information about input and output fluxes, the network can also be studied using flux balance analysis [3]. These methods require little amount of molecular information, however they are only able to provide a restricted number of steady state properties of the system. In order to reveal the network's dynamic properties, kinetic models are required. Here we provide an account of our e↵orts towards costructing and analysing such large scale kinetic models of metabolism.Kinetic models describe the dynamic properties of reaction networks and are formulated based on the kinetic properties of the individual reactions/enzymes of the network. Traditionally the kinetics are determined through in vitro studies, which require purification of the enzymes involved. Studied in that way, each enzyme can be characterized by a Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy otherwise, to republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission and/or a fee. detailed kinetic rate law -each enzymatic reaction with a specific rate law. This is a problem because even for the best studied organisms, such as S. cerevisiae, the large majority of enzymes has never been studied, and so the rate laws and their parameter values are unknown. Systematic e↵orts to purify large numbers of enzymes and determine their precise kinetic properties are under way in our Centre, but this cannot scale all the way to the entire set of enzymes of the network. Nevertheless we have already determined such detailed kinetics for all enzymes of several individual metabolic pathways of yeast, and it is expected that many more will be produced in the future in our laboratory and others...