Multiproxy sedimentological, gamma-spec tro met ric, foraminiferal, cal car e ous nannoplankton, and otolith data were used for the re con struc tion of the Badenian (Mid dle Mio cene) his tory of the Moravian part of the Carpathian Foredeep. The study mate rial orig i nated from the new bore hole LOM-1, which drilled >20 metres of mo not o nous clayey siltstones with ex cep tion ally rich and well-pre served microfossil as sem blages. Dis tal parts of the Carpathian Foredeep (a forebulge depozone) are exposed in this suc ces sion. Gen er ally, a quiet en vi ron ment of outer shelf to up per bathyal of mo not o nous clayey silts was in terpreted, which is typ i cal for the prox i mal parts of a pe riph eral fore land ba sin. The sec tion stud ied can be sub di vided into six in ter vals, con firm ing the cy cli cal char ac ter of Mid dle Mio cene sed i men ta tion in the Cen tral Paratethys. Interannual os cil lations of nu tri ent con tent, tem per a ture and/or sa lin ity are in ter preted based on the os cil la tions of geo chem i cal as well as palaeo bio logi cal data. The turn over con nected with the ini ti a tion of the Mid dle Mio cene Cli ma tic Tran si tion is re corded above the LO (last oc cur rence) of Helicosphaera waltrans in agree ment with pre vi ous ob ser va tions in the Carpathian Foredeep. The changes in clude cool ing, a de crease in nu tri ents, a prob a ble in crease of the sa lin ity of sur face wa ter, and in crease of sea son al ity. Sea son al ity was man i fested by an al ter na tion of mixed and strat i fied wa ter col umns with a sea sonal in put of nutri ents. Con cern ing nu tri ents, sources of sea sonal riverine in put or sea sonal upwelling are both pos si ble.