We investigate dc-current flow in high-j c YBa 2 Cu 3 O 7−␦ -coated conductors by low-temperature laser scanning microscopy (LTLSM) and correlate the LTLSM response to magneto-optical imaging (MOI) and grain boundary (GB) misorientation. Because the voltage response measured by LTLSM is associated with the local electric field, while MOI shows the local magnetic field, the combination of these two techniques unambiguously shows that the dominant sources of dissipation and easy flux flow occur at and near GBs. By correlating LTLSM images to grain misorientation maps determined by electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD), we can directly observe the overloading of current paths through low-angle GBs neighboring higher- 4 Spatially resolved MOI measurements have considerable utility in revealing very nonuniform current flow in CC and in helping raise j c in CC. However, there have been no direct measurements of the electric field distribution E͑x , y͒, which is a very important characteristic of currentcarrying capability of CC. The critical current I c is usually defined at the mean electric field E c =1 V / cm, but local E͑x , y͒ can vary by several orders of magnitude due to current redistribution around macroscopic defects. Recent calculations of E͑x , y͒ around planar obstacles have shown that such hotspots of strong electric field near macroscopic defects can significantly limit global I c (Ref. 5) and thermal stability 6 of CC. To truly understand what controls I c , it is therefore important to correlate the local E distribution with structural inhomogeneities. In this letter we apply the LTLSM method 7,8 to a typical CC and estimate the E distribution using voltage response maps made on the YBCO. We correlate these LTLSM patterns measured in Erlangen with easy magnetic flux penetration patterns measured in Madison by MOI and grain misorientations obtained by EBSD.We investigated YBCO CC of thickness 1 m grown by ex situ conversion of BaF 2 based precursor 2 on [001]-textured Ni-W substrates. The average grain size of the substrate was about 40 m. The GB distribution of the Ni-W substrate is replicated by YBCO. Bridges 50-250 m wide and 0.1-1 mm long were laser patterned and contacts made with aluminum wire of 25 m in diameter, using Ag-paste to gold contact pads deposited by shadow evaporation.The LTLSM voltage response ␦V map was measured at zero magnetic field and constant bias current I b , using a low power scanning laser beam of diameter 1.6 m. The beam intensity was modulated at the frequency /2 = 102 kHz at which ␦V was measured. The spatial resolution was determined by the thermal length l = ͑ / C ͒ 1/2 Ӎ 3-4 m over which the temperature T ͑x , y͒ decays along the film, where C is the heat capacity and is the thermal conductivity. In our experiment the dominant part of ␦V was due to local heating by the beam. Since the YBCO film thickness d Ϸ 1 m is smaller then l , we treat ␦V ͑x , y͒ as a 2D map. Comparison of ␦V with the local reflectivity has shown that heat absorption was homogeneous over our ...