The controlled motion of objects through narrow channels is important in many fields. We have fabricated asymmetric weak-pinning channels in a superconducting thin-film strip for controlling the dynamics of vortices. The lack of pinning allows the vortices to move through the channels with the dominant interaction determined by the shape of the channel walls. We present measurements of vortex dynamics in the channels and compare these with similar measurements on a set of uniformwidth channels. While the uniform-width channels exhibit a symmetric response for both directions through the channel, the vortex motion through the asymmetric channels is quite different, with substantial asymmetries in both the static depinning and dynamic flux flow. This vortex ratchet effect has a rich dependence on magnetic field and driving force amplitude.PACS numbers: 74.25. Qt, 74.25.Sv, 74.25.Op Recently there has been much interest in developing artificial ratchets for generating directed motion using tailored asymmetries [1]. Such ratchets could be used as pathways for producing net transport of matter at the nanoscale. In addition, artificial ratchets can serve as model systems for understanding similar ratchet phenomena in biological systems while allowing for experimental control over many of the ratchet parameters [2]. A variety of ratchets have been considered, but one particular type that has been implemented in several different systems is the rocking ratchet, where a spatial asymmetry is engineered into the potential energy landscape governing particle motion and an external control variable can be adjusted to tilt this potential. The application of an oscillatory drive of the control variable with zero mean can result in the net motion of particles through the potential because of the different rates for overcoming the barriers in the two directions through the ratchet.Implementations of ratchets in solid-state devices include asymmetric structures of electrostatic gates above a two-dimensional electron gas [3], and arrays of Josephson junctions with asymmetric critical currents [4]. Structures have also been developed for producing a ratchet effect with vortices in superconducting thin films involving either asymmetric arrangements of pinning centers [5,6] or asymmetric magnetic pinning structures [7]. In this Communication, we describe a vortex ratchet using two-dimensional guides to generate asymmetric channels for vortex motion. In our structures, the potential asymmetries arise from differences in the interaction strength between vortices and the channel walls, resulting in a substantial ratchet effect for the motion of vortices through the channels. Our design is related to a previous vortex ratchet proposal [8], although our ratchet is in a somewhat different parameter regime.Nanoscale channels for guiding vortices through superconducting films with a minimal influence from pin- ning have been developed for studies of vortex matter in confined geometries, including experiments on melting [9], commensurabili...