Seasonal variations in pools of porewater NH,' and exchangeable NH,+ desorbed by l-step [easily desorbed NH,') and multiple KC1 extractions (tightly bound NH,') were investigated in sediments from 3 stations in Danish coastal waters. One-step KC1 extractions gave higher yields in winter and lower yields in periods of increased sediment activity and temperature. The exchangeable NH,' pool obtained by l-step extraction was always less than the total pool removed by the multiextraction technique, independent of sediment type. The multi-extraction technique proved the existence of sediment NH,' pools with different exchange capacities. There was evidence to indicate that the tightly bound pool changed seasonally and entered the normal N cycle. The size and dynamic nature of this pool have not previously been recognized: maximum and minimum integrated values for Aarhus Bay, Norsminde Fjord and Randers Fjord sedirnents were 32, 36, 25 and 4, 9 and 6 mm01 m-2, respectively. A lack of correlation between pool sizes of easily desorbed NH,' and porewater NH,' was not compatible with literature values of the NH,' adsorption coefficient (K-value). K-values varied with station, depth and season (means of all values 3.7 and 11.7 by l-step and multiple extractions, respectively), and were in general higher than the literature values.