This review discusses confinement, as well as the topological and critical phenomena, in the gauge theories which provide the condensation of magnetic monopoles. These theories include the 3D SU(N ) Georgi-Glashow model, the 4D [U(1)] N −1 -invariant compact QED , and the [U(1)] N −1 -invariant dual Abelian Higgs model. After a general introduction to the string models of confinement, an analytic description of this penomenon is provided at the example of the 3D SU(N ) Georgi-Glashow model, with a special emphasis placed on the so-called Casimir scaling of k-string tensions in that model. We further discuss the string representation of the 3D [U(1)] N −1 -invariant compact QED, as well as of its 4D generalization with the inclusion of the Θ-term. We compare topological effects, which appear in the latter case, with those that take place in the 3D QED extended by the Chern-Simons term. We further discuss the string representation of the 't Hooft-loop average in the [U(1)] N −1 -invariant dual Abelian Higgs model extended by the Θ-term, along with the topological effects caused by this term. These topological effects are compared with those occurring in the 3D dual Abelian Higgs model (i.e., the dual Landau-Ginzburg theory) extended by the Chern-Simons term. In the second part of the review, we discuss critical properties of the weakly-coupled 3D confining theories. These theories include the 3D compact QED, along with its fermionic extension, and the 3D Georgi-Glashow model. Keywords: magnetic monopoles; Abelian-type models of confinement; string representation of the Wilson-and the 't Hooft-loop averages; Aharonov-Bohm and other topological effects; Casimir scaling of k-string tensions; critical properties of the 3D weakly coupled confining theories
Topological Effects in the Abelian-Type Confining Theories
IntroductionIn this review, we discuss various non-perturbative phenomena that take place in the Abelian-type confining gauge theories. We start this discussion with recalling some basic facts about confinement, the large-distance static quark-antiquark potential associated with it, and the related models of the confining string. As is well known, because of confinement in QCD, quarks and gluons do not exist as individual particles, but appear only in the form of bound states (for recent reviews, see [1][2][3]). The latter include mesons, baryons, glueballs, and the so-called hybrids consisting of a quark, an antiquark, and one or several gluons. Confining interactions that take place between the constituents of the bound states, can occur through string-like Euclidean configurations of the Yang-Mills field. Such effective strings can be viewed as the microscopic tubes that carry fluxes of the gauge field from one constituent to another, which is the reason for calling them "the QCD flux tubes" [4][5][6][7]. Similar flux tubes, called Abrikosov vortices [8,9] (for a relativistic generalization, see [10]), exist in type-II superconductors, in which case they represent stable cylindrically-symmetric s...