Background: Pyramidal neurons of the hippocampus are not homogeneous in their structure or function, yet the structure and function of individual neurons are well-correlated. Despite these well-known facts, few structural studies of pyramidal neuronal dendrites in the hippocampus have controlled for precise cellular position within the hippocampus along its dorsoventral (longitudinal), tangential (proximodistal), or radial axes. We believe this is largely due to technical limitations that limit positional information about the neuron, limit throughput, and limit the control of confounding variables.
New method: Here, we present a simple approach to address these limitations effectively in mouse CA3, adapted from our prior work in the mouse cerebral cortex. Our approach tracks the dorsoventral, tangential, and radial positions of neurons within the hippocampus, increases the number of available neurons for analysis, and provides several new controls.
Results: We demonstrate how topographic and morphological data are related to one another among mouse CA3 pyramidal neurons, in a pilot data set providing proof-of-concept.
Comparison with existing methods: Other common methods of labeling neurons, such as biocytin fills or Golgi-Cox stains, are labor- or time-intensive. Here, we validate the use of the transgenic fluorescent Thy1-GFP-M line, so the labeling step is practically eliminated. Other methods section the hippocampus coronally, which distorts the dorsoventral, tangential, and radial axes. Here, we preserve all three axes. Some existing methods do not collect all sections in order, instead focusing on "more dorsal" or "more ventral" sections, for example. We preserve much more dorsoventral information. Recent work has shown that CA2 is better defined by immunohistochemical rather than neuroanatomical markers. We use that immunohistochemistry here to increase precision in defining tangential position. Other studies have not measured other, critical variables and relationships that could confound the results. Here, we assess many more of these variables and relationships to increase the rigor of our work.
Conclusions: We developed a more rigorous method for preserving precise cellular positioning information among reconstructed mouse hippocampal pyramidal neurons. Although we provide several innovations in our method, each innovation identified here could independently improve the rigor and reproducibility of a wide variety of approaches for understanding the morphological heterogeneity of pyramidal neurons in the brain.