To investigate the function of vinculin in blood platelets, we studied its localization in relation to other cytoskeletal proteins as well as its state of phosphorylation in platelets allowed to spread on fibrinogen-coated surfaces. By 5 minutes after loading the platelets onto the surfaces the 47 and 20 kDa polypeptides became phosphorylated, indicating activation. By 30 minutes, platelets formed small, typical bundles of fibers which stained brilliantly with rhodamine phalloidin. Myosin and tropomyosin, detected with specific antibodies, were localized in periodic arrays along these bundles. By indirect immunofluorescence, a discrete patch of vinculin was observed at each end of every actin-containing bundle. Vinculin phosphorylation was not detected in immunoprecipitates protected against phosphatases. Interference reflection images showed that regions of close binding to the substratum (adhesion plaques) closely matched the vinculin staining sites. Talin appeared diffusely localized. It could be shown to be present in the plaques when platelets were stabilized with ZnCl2 by the method of Geiger and then sonicated to remove some of the surface membrane. Localizations of vinculin and myosin were unaltered by this treatment. Talin phosphorylation or proteolysis could not account for vinculin translocation. We conclude that platelets, in response to an appropriate physiological surface, form typical actin bundles with vinculin at the termination of each bundle, in close relation to adhesion plaques. The signal for this translocation does not appear to depend on phosphorylation of vinculin or on phosphorylation or proteolysis of talin. Our findings support the conclusion that in platelets, as in nucleated cells, vinculin serves as at least part of the connection between bundled actin fibers and the extracellular matrix. Such a connection seems required for platelets' known ability to exert tension on surfaces.