A 17-year-old female with Goltz's syndrome was examined because of visual acuity loss in her right eye. Ocular examination revealed microcornea, iris, choroid and optic disc coloboma in the right eye. There were several erthematous and hyperpigmented areas on the body. Magnetic resonance (MR) imaging of the orbits and brain demonstrated right optic nerve hypoplasia and diffuse cortical and cerebellar atrophy. Skeletal manifestations were short stature, scoliosis, syndactyly, clinodactyly, and osteopathia striata. Dental defects included hypodontia, developmental defects, and malocclusion. There were multiple papillomatous lesions on the lids and perioral skin and the nose was asymmetric. Her mental development was apparently normal. She had left bifid ureter and renal pelvis, scant hair on the pubic and genital region, and poor breast development. Histopathologic examination of the biopsy taken from a characteristic skin lesion revealed attenuated epidermis, hypoplastic dermis, and subcutaneous fat close to epidermis. Immunofluorescence staining was negative for IgG, IgM, IgA, C3, C4, fibrin, and albumin. Ultrastructural examination showed that no viral particles were present. Prometaphase chromosome analysis revealed a normal 46, XX female karyotype. Cortical and cerebellar atrophy can occur in a patient with Goltz's syndrome.