The close interrelationship between chronic oral and dental inflammatory diseases, such as periodontal and apical abscesses (AA), with the patient's systemic condition, is one of the most interesting topics of study common between dentists and the medical staff. Chronic apical periodontitis and periodontal diseases are chronic infections of the oral cavity in which similar Gram-negative anaerobic microbiota are found and in both infectious diseases increased local inflammatory mediators
levels may influence overall systemic conditions. One of the most important systemic diseases linked to periodontal, as well as AA, is diabetes mellitus (DM); likewise, the prognosis of chronic apical periodontitis and endodontic treatment is also associated with how DM is controlled in the patient. periapical and periodontal diseases may also contribute to the quality of DM control. DM affects many systems in the body, the most important; cardiovascular and renal systems, and this necessitates obeying several keynotes to provide safe endodontic and periodontal disease control in these patients that is the aim of this article to clarify for clinicians.