Introduction: In 2005, the National Cancer Institute funded the Community Networks Program (CNP), which aimed to reduce cancer health disparities in minority racial/ethnic and underserved groups through community-based participatory research, education, and training. The purpose of this study was to describe the CNP model and their tobacco-related work in community-based research, education, and training using a tobacco disparities research framework. Methods: We conducted a comprehensive review of the CNP tobacco-related activities including publications, published abstracts, research activities, trainee pilot studies, policy-related activities, educational outreach, and reports produced from [2005][2006][2007][2008][2009]. Two authors categorized the tobaccorelated activities and publications within the framework. Results: Although there was no mandate to address tobacco, the CNPs produced 103 tobaccorelated peer-reviewed publications, which reflects the largest proportion (12%) of all CNP cancerrelated publications. Selected publications and research activities were most numerous under the framework areas "Psychosocial Research, " "Surveillance, " "Epidemiology, " and "Treatment of Nicotine Addiction. " Thirteen CNPs participated in tobacco control policymaking in mainstream efforts that affected their local community and populations, and 24 CNPs conducted 1147 tobacco-related educational outreach activities. CNP activities that aimed to build research and infrastructure capacity included nine tobacco-related pilot projects representing 16% of all CNP cancer-related pilot projects, and 17 publications acknowledging leveraged partnerships with other organizations, a strategy encouraged by the CNP.