Three-dimensional (3D) transfer functions build the basis for a comprehensive characterization of optical imaging systems in the spatial frequency domain. Utilizing the projection-slice theorem, the 2D modulation transfer function of an incoherent imaging system can be derived from a 3D transfer function by integration with respect to the axial spatial frequency. For a diffraction limited microscope with homogeneous incoherent pupil illumination, the modulation transfer function equals the 2D autocorrelation function of a circular disc. However, until now to the best of our knowledge no 3D transfer function has been published, which exactly leads to the 2D modulation transfer function of a diffraction limited microscope in reflection mode. In this article, we derive a formula, which after integration with respect to the axial spatial frequency coordinate perfectly fits to the diffraction limited 2D modulation transfer function. The inverse threedimensional Fourier transform of the 3D transfer function results in a complexvalued 3D point spread function, from which the depth of field, the lateral resolution and, in addition, the corresponding 3D point spread function of both, a conventional and an interference microscope, can be obtained.