Bessel X-waves, or Bessel beams, have been extensively studied in last years, especially with regard to the topic of superluminality in the propagation of a signal. However, in spite of many efforts devoted to this subject, no definite answer has been found, mainly for lack of an exact definition of signal velocity. The purpose of the present work is to investigate the field of existence of Bessel beams in order to overcome the specific question related to the definition of signal velocity. Quite surprisingly, this field of existence can be represented in the Minkowski space-time by a Super-Light Cone which wraps itself around the well-known Light Cone.The propagation of Bessel X-waves has been extensively analyzed in last years, especially with regard to the topic of superluminality in connection to the signal propagation. Many contributions were devoted to this topic, both from a theoretical and experimental point of view [1,2,3,4,5,6].Bessel X-waves, which are also known as Bessel beams, belong to the class of localized waves. The peculiarity of this type of waves is that they are well localized in space, unlike a "usual" wave which occupies the entire space. As is well known, a u B Bessel beam is the result of superimposing an infinite number of plane waves, each of them with a direction of propagation tilted by the same angle θ 0 with respect to a given axis, say z. In cylindrical coordinates (ρ, z, ψ), the beam is given bywhere k 0 = ω/c is the wavenumber in the vacuum, and ω is the frequency of the beam. Function J 0 denotes the zero-order Bessel function of first kind, which, apart from inessential factors, can be written as [7]The characteristic features of a Bessel beam are that it supplies well-localized energy, that propagates along the z-axis with no deformation in its amplitude [8,9], and that both phase and group velocities are greater than the light velocity c [2,3]. A U B Bessel pulse limited in time, which is the theoretical definition of signal, can be obtained by superimposing an infinite number of frequencies. After integration of Eq. (1) over dω, and by substituting the Bessel function J 0 with its integral form, we obtainwhich is different from zero only ifwhere 0 ≤ θ 0 < θ max , θ max ≪ π/2 depends on the experimental set-up. Thus, the time interval in which the beam is different from zero is t min (θ 0 = θ max ) ≤ t < t max (θ 0 = 0). (5) *