Prolonged intrauterine retention of fetal bones during an abortion procedure can lead to secondary infertility A total of 17 case reports, 7 case series, and one retrospective study were included, with a total of 75 patients. 60% had a termination in the 2nd trimester, while 20% had a pregnancy termination during the 1st trimester. Hysteroscopic resection was used to remove the intrauterine fetal bones in 69% of patients. 59 % of patients could conceivefollowing the procedure, 1% conceived despite the presence of intrauterine bones, 24% could not conceive at the time of the study, and 16% of patients had an unknown outcome. Transvaginal in 41 (55%) and pelvic ultrasound in 21(28%) were used for diagnosis. Secondary infertility is a common occurrence after a D&C procedure partially due to fetal bone retention. The gold standard for an accurate diagnosis and treatment is hysteroscopy.