Under periodic boundary conditions, a one-dimensional dispersive medium driven by a Lamb oscillator exhibits a smooth response when the dispersion relation is asymptotically linear or superlinear at large wave numbers, but unusual fractal solution profiles emerge when the dispersion relation is asymptotically sublinear. Strikingly, this is exactly the opposite of the superlinear asymptotic regime required for fractalization and dispersive quantization, also known as the Talbot effect, of the unforced medium induced by discontinuous initial conditions. solution to the periodic initial-boundary value problem produced by rough initial data, e.g., a step function, is "quantized" as a discontinuous but piecewise constant profile or, more generally, piecewise smooth or even piecewise fractal, at times which are rational multiples of L n /π n−1 , where L is the length of the interval, but exhibits a continuous but non-differentiable fractal profile at all other times. (An interesting question is whether such fractal profiles enjoy selfsimilarity properties similar to the Riemann and Weierstrass non-differentiable functions, as explored in [6]. However, the Fourier series used to construct the latter are quite different in character, and so the problem remains open and challenging.)Dispersive quantization relies on the slow, conditional convergence of the Fourier series solutions, and requires the dispersion relation to be asymptotically polynomial at large wave number.The key references include the 1990's discovery of Michael Berry and collaborators, [1], in the context of optics and quantum mechanics, and the subsequent analytical work of Oskolkov, [18]. In particular, this effect underlies the experimentally observed phenomenon of quantum revival, in which an electron that is initially concentrated at a single location of its orbital shell is, at rational times, re-concentrated at a finite number of orbital locations. The subsequent rediscovery by the first author, [2,16], showed that the phenomenon appears in a range of linear dispersive partial differential equations, while other models arising in fluid mechanics, plasma dynamics, elasticity, DNA dynamics, etc. exhibit a fascinating range of as yet poorly understood behaviors, whose qualitative features are tied to the large wave number asymptotics of the dispersion relation. These studies were then extended, through careful numerical simulations, to nonlinear dispersive equations, including both integrable models, such as the cubic nonlinear Schrödinger, Korteweg-deVries, and modified Korteweg-deVries equations, as well as non-integrable generalizations with higher degree nonlinearities. Some of these numerical observations were subsequently rigorously confirmed in papers of Chousionis, Erdogan, and Tzirakis, [3,9,10], and, further, in the very recent paper by Erdogan and Shakan, [8], which extends the analysis to non-polynomial dispersion relations, but much more work remains to be completed, including extensions to other types of boundary conditions and dispersiv...