Biomolecular folding and function are often coupled. During molecular recognition events, one of the binding partners may transiently or partially unfold, allowing more rapid access to a binding site. We describe a simple model for this fly-casting mechanism based on the capillarity approximation and polymer chain statistics. The model shows that fly casting is most effective when the protein unfolding barrier is small and the part of the chain which extends toward the target is relatively rigid. These features are often seen in known examples of fly casting in protein-DNA binding. Simulations of protein-DNA binding based on wellfunneled native-topology models with electrostatic forces confirm the trends of the analytical theory.binding mechanism | disordered proteins | fast folding | protein folding I t is becoming clear that protein folding and protein functioning are often overlapping processes. For cooperatively folding proteins, a free energy barrier separates the folded configurations from the unfolded ones. If this barrier is sufficiently high, we expect the traditional "function follows folding" paradigm to be valid. Many proteins however are unfolded before they function (1-5). Other proteins have native ensembles separated by only a small barrier from their disordered states. It has recently been argued that in some circumstances there may be no folding barrier at all (6-8). Clearly in all these cases folding and function must be coupled. In addition, partially surmounting the folding barrier, even if it is high, may short circuit the otherwise large barriers that would accompany allosteric changes, if the protein were required to always remain intact. These two ways of coupling the folding landscape and the functional landscape have been termed "fly casting" (9-11) (for the binding process) and "cracking" (for allosteric change) (12)(13)(14). In the fly-casting scenario, a protein may bind from a relatively large distance, thereby enhancing its capture radius: The tradeoff is between the entropy cost from extending a subdomain and the energy gained upon binding to a target. Although the disordered proteins may have slower translational diffusion comparing to globular proteins, their intrinsic flexibility imposes fewer constraints on binding and therefore they may have faster binding to their binding partners (10,15). It is possible that the biological function of downhill and ultrafast folding (16)(17)(18)(19)(20) is to achieve fast binding via fly casting. In this paper, we explore the interplay between the fly casting and the folding barrier using the capillarity model for protein folding, which in its simplest form ignores many of the structural features of the native protein.Despite the intrinsic complexity of the folding of a random heteropolymer, most proteins have evolved to fold via a funneled energy landscape (21,22). This evolved feature greatly simplifies the physics of the folding process because the primary free energy scales involved are then the entropy of organizing the chain into a sp...