Communicated by Elkan R. Blout, August 21, 1981 ABSTRACT The fourth component of complement (C4) is inactivated by treatment with methylamine. This property is shared with the third component (C3) and with a%-macroglobulin. In each instance, the reaction with methylamine is stoichiometric, covalent, and accompanied-by the appearance of-a thiol group. These data are consistent with the presence of an internal thiolester ["'C]methylamide was released at step 24. The recovery of radiolabel at positions 21 and 24 confirmedthe originally calculated "'C/ 3H incorporation ratio and further indicated that the radiolabels were present at single sites in the C4 molecule. Comparison of the derived primary structure for the thiolester site in C4 with those for the corresponding regions in C3 and a2-macroglobulin has shown sequence identity. Further comparisons among these three proteins have indicated additional homologies on both the NH2-and COOH-terminal sides of the thiolester site.In the classical pathway ofcomplement (C) activation, the fourth component, C4, is cleaved by Cls, a subcomponent ofactivated CL, into two fragments, C4a and C4b. The larger ofthese, C4b, has the transient ability to bind to surfaces and functions as a component of the classical pathway C3 convertase, C4b2a. These properties are analogous to those of C3, which, on activation, is split into the two fragments C3a and C3b. C3b also acquires a transient ability to bind to surfaces and functions as a component of the alternative pathway C3 convertase, C3bBb (1-3). The interaction between C3b and cell surface components is now known to be, in part, covalent (4). Studies of the chemical reactivity of this bond suggested that it was an oxygen ester, and that the acyl group donor was contained in C3b. These observations led to the hypothesis that covalent bond formation occurred via a transesterification reaction (5).Both C4 and C3 have long been known to be inactivated by treatment with nitrogen nucleophiles such as ammonia or hydrazine (6-8) and by chaotropic salts such as KCNS (9). Recently, treatment of C3 with the nucleophilic reagent methylamine, or with the chaotrope KBr, was shown to result in the loss ofpotential for covalent bond formation and the appearance of a. single thiol group (10-13). This thiol is also released on activation of C3 to C3b (13). These data, and the observed stoichiometric relationship between uptake of methylamine into a glutamyl residue and titration of a thiol (10), led to the hypothesis that an internal thiolester exists in C3 and that covalent bond formation involves transfer ofthe acyl group from the thiol to a hydroxyl contained on the acceptor molecule (10,11,14). These studies of C3 have now been extended to C4. Treatment with nitrogen nucleophiles such as methylamine again results in the titration of a single reactive group, the release of a thiol (which is also contained in C4b), and the loss of covalent bondforming potential (14-19). Recently, in addition to ester bonds between these molecules and binding ...