ABSTRACT. Background. Intrauterine exposure to the metabolic alterations of maternal diabetes may increase the risk of later obesity. We determined whether offspring of mothers with diet-treated, gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) have an increased risk of childhood obesity and examined the relationship between childhood obesity and metabolic markers of GDM.Methods. At a health maintenance organization in Seattle, WA, we reviewed medical records to obtain the life-time height and weight measurements of 524, 8-to 10-year-old children whose mothers had been screened for GDM. Maternal plasma glucose and triglyceride levels were obtained in midgestation 1 hour after ingestion of 50 g of glucose. Those with glucose screening levels >7.77 mmol/L (140 mg/dL) underwent a 3-hour, 100-g, oral glucose tolerance test to determine GDM status. Cord serum insulin levels also were obtained at birth. Obesity was defined as an average body mass index between 5 and 10 years of age at or above the 85th percentile for age and sex.Results. The prevalence of obesity was 19% in the 58 offspring of mothers with diet-treated GDM and 24% in the 257 offspring of mothers with negative glucose screen values. There also was no difference in mean body mass index (adjusted for age and sex) between these two groups of offspring. Among all 524 offspring, there was no significant increase in the rate of offspring obesity according to the quartile of maternal screening glucose, triglyceride, oral glucose tolerance test, or cord serum insulin level.Conclusion. Prenatal exposure to the metabolic effects of mild, diet-treated GDM does not increase the risk of childhood obesity. Pediatrics 1998;101(2). URL: http:// www.pediatrics.org/cgi/content/full/101/2/e9; pregnancy in diabetes, obesity, fetus, child, body mass index.ABBREVIATIONS. IDDM, insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus; GDM, gestational diabetes mellitus; NIDDM, noninsulin-dependent diabetes mellitus; GHC, Group Health Cooperative of Puget Sound; HMO, health maintenance organization; OGTT, oral glucose tolerance test; BMI, body mass index. C hildren born to mothers with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) have an increased risk of later obesity.1-5 These children may be programmed in utero for later obesity by exposure to excess metabolic substrate at a sensitive period in development.6 -8 Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM), that is, diabetes with onset or first recognition during pregnancy, 9 affects 3% to 5% of all pregnancies.10,11 GDM is far more common in pregnant women than is existing IDDM or noninsulindependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM). Previous studies suggest that GDM also increases the risk for later obesity in the offspring.12-15 Each of these studies, however, contained a mixture of subjects with GDM and either IDDM or NIDDM. No study has ever compared childhood obesity rates in offspring of mothers with and without GDM. Therefore, we tested the hypothesis that offspring from pregnancies affected by GDM have an increased risk of childhood obesity. To suggest a possible me...