Parametric techniques have been implemented for planning projects in urban communities and neighborhoods. Form-Based Code, a representative planning approach, uses parametric techniques towards an efficient planning process with three-dimensional visualized schemes. However, the extent to which the parametric Form-Based Code integrates the sustainable development criteria is still unclear. This paper targets to evaluate parametric Form-Based Code towards sustainable development of urban communities. Methods of Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design for Neighborhood Development (LEED-ND) are hired. Criteria that related to health environment and sustainable development in LEED-ND, including smart location & linkage, neighborhood pattern & design, and green infrastructure & buildings work to test parametric Form-Based Code. Results indicate that parametric Form-Based Code are concordant with a small number of the criteria of smart location & linkage and green infrastructure & buildings. Criteria of neighborhood pattern & design are more moderately or strongly reflected in parametric Form-Based Code. Conclusions include criticism and valuable insights for the enhancement of parametric Form-Based Code towards healthy socio-environment and sustainable development of urban communities and neighborhoods.