Paper aims: This paper aims the use of Social Network Analysis (SNA) as an assessment tool to answer the following research questions: (i) Who are the actors in Humanitarian Operations Networks (HON)?; and (ii) Which actors exert influence on HON?Originality: This paper proposes the use of SNA in a different context, bringing new technics to the field of humanitarian logistics.Research method: Multiple methodological tools are used such as UCINET, Cytoscape, and EXCEL® to apply SNA in the Brazilian context of sudden-onset natural disaster-response operations.Main findings: This application validates the consistency of using SNA to assess HON, besides validating the stakeholder relationship model of the Public, Private, and People sectors in disaster-response operations.Implications for theory and practice: Results show strong participation of the public sector in disaster-response operations in Brazil, indicating the need for greater engagement from civil society. Besides, the proposed method can be adopted in the context of any other country.