Domestication of red jungle fowl has been done in Seluma District, Bengkulu Indonesia. Domestication is done for many purposes, and has produced breeds of burgo chicken, which is currently bred. The objective of the study was to evaluate the feeding management vof red jungle fowl and its offspring by the community. The study was conducted in Seluma District of Bengkulu Indonesia. Respondents selection was conducted by using a snowball sampling method, obtained 45 samples of breeders. The data were obtained from the breeders selected as respondents by using a combination of in-depth interviews, questionnaires and a direct observation. The results showed that the respondents gave the feed of one type, two types, three types, four types and five types of feed, respectively 42.22%, 35.56%, 15.56%, 4.44%, and 2.22%. Respondents provide feed with frequency one time per day, twice per day, and three times per day respectively 28.89%, 51.11%, and 20%. Respondents provide feed in the morning of 20%, 8.89% noon, morning and afternoon 51.11%, and morning, noon and afternoon 20%. Respondents who feed 40% of corn, 48.89% of rice, 40% commercial feed, 13.33% rice, 2.22% red rice, 15.56% rice, 8.89% rice bran, 15.56% palm fruit, 4.44% ant eggs. It can be concluded that feed management is varied and has not considered nutritional needs for growth, production and reproduction.