Allergic diseases belong to a group of diseases seen with higher frequency whose pathogenesis, genetic mechanisms, epidemiology and risk factors have been investigated many times.[1] The prevalence of the disease varies between countries and regions. Allergic diseases genetically manifest in atopic individuals under the impact of environmental allergens. One of the reasons of epidemiological differences among regions might be environmental factors. [1,2] In our study, we applied prick test in patients consulted to our allergy polyclinics in order to evaluate the allergens we have searched for. Prick test is applied using antigens which might cause allergic reactions in atopic individuals with allergic rhinitis, conjunctivitis, atopic dermatitis, food allergies and urticaria. [1,3] Herein, we aimed to present our prick test results that would reflect allergens prevalent in the Central Anatolia in Özet Amaç: Bu çal›flmada iç Anadolu Bölgesi'nde s›kça gözlenen alerjenleri yans›tan prick test sonuçlar›n›n de¤erlendirilmesi amaçlanm›flt›r.Yöntem: Alerjik rinit, atopik dermatit, alerjik konjunktivit tan›s› konan hastalar›n prick test sonuçlar› çal›flmaya dâhil edildi. Hastalara a¤açlar, otlar, yabani otlar, mantar, epitel-tüy, ev tozu ve akar›, lateks ve g›dalar› içeren 21 alerjen ile prick test uyguland›. Bulgular: Çal›flmaya dâhil edilen 1618 hastan›n 565 (%34.9) tanesinde prick testi pozitif idi. Hastalar›n 372'sinde (%66) ot, 242'sinde (%43) ev tozu akar›, 265'inde (%47) a¤aç, 71'inde (%12.6) epitel-tüy, 96's›nda (%17) yabani ot, 37'sinde (%6.7) g›da, 24'ünde (%4.3) mantar, 26's›nda (%4.7) lateks alerjenleri saptand›.Sonuç: Çal›flma sonuçlar›na göre Ankara'da en s›k rastlanan alerjenler ot polenleri, a¤aç polenleri ve ev tozu akarlar› idi.Anahtar sözcükler: Prick test, atopi, alerjik rinit, alerjik konjuktivit.
AbstractObjective: To present our prick test results that would reflect allergens prevalent in the Central Anatolia.Methods: Prick tests of the 1618 patients diagnosed with allergic rhinitis, atopic dermatitis, allergic conjunctivitis between January 2003 and May 2005 were included in the study. In epidermal skin prick test, sensitization to 21 allergens including trees, grasses, weeds, fungus, epithelium-hair, house dust and mites, latex, and food were evaluated.Results: Positive prick test results were obtained in 565 (34.9%) of 1618 patient. Sensitivity to prick tests were as follows; 372 (66%) were positive for grass pollens, 242 (43%) were positive for house dust and mites, 265 (47%) were positive for tree pollens, 71 (12.6%) were positive for epithelium-hair allergens, 96 (17%) were positive for weed pollens, 37 (6.7%) were positive for foods, 24 (4.3%) were positive for fungus, 26 (4.7%) were positive for latex allergens.
Conclusion:Our data indicates that the most common allergens in Ankara are grass pollens, tree pollens and house dust and mites.