Apriori is one technique of data mining association rules that aims to extract correlations between sets of items in the transaction database. The main problem with the Apriori algorithm is the process of scanning databases repeatedly to generate itemset candidates. This research examines the combination of pruning by using the trieapproach and multi-thread implementation in three algorithms to obtain frequent itemset. Trie is a data structure in the form of an ordered tree to store a set of strings where every node in the tree contains the same prefix. The use of a full combination trie (different from frequent pattern (FP) tree using links) allows the implementation of arrays and the hash calculation to achieve the addressing of itemset combination. In this research, the measure to get the address is called Hash-node calculation used to update support value. For these three alternatives, run time processing is analyzed based on the number of itemset combinations and transaction data at a certain minimum support value. The experimental results show that an algorithm thatexploits resource capabilities by applying multi-threadperforms almost seven times betterthanan algorithm implemented in single-thread in calculating hash-node. The fastest run time of the multi-thread approach is 43 minutes with 150-itemset combinations on 100,000 transaction data.