Abstract. Four populations of 42 specimens (mean initial b.wt 64·02–65·29g) of Tilapia aureus (Steindachner), were reared for 15 weeks in 600‐1‐capacily cylindrical plastic tunks, from a closed circulated system, al four feeding levels (1,2,3 and 4% of b.wt daily). A feeding level of 2% of b.wt daily seems to be the best, taking into consideration biological (specific growth rale, food conversion rate, protein efficiency ratio, values of total plasma lipids, cholesterol and triglyceridcs. haematocrit, proximate carcass analyses, body weight‐length relationships) and economical (feed cost) criteria. Also, it is concluded that for T. aureus the use of closed or semiclosed circulated systems could he us satisfactory as other forms of intensive production systems.