A fooling-set matrix has nonzero diagonal, but at least one in every pair of diagonally opposite entries is 0. Dietzfelbinger et al. '96 proved that the rank of such a matrix is at least √ n. It is known that the bound is tight (up to a multiplicative constant). We ask for the typical minimum rank of a fooling-set matrix: For a fooling-set zerononzero pattern chosen at random, is the minimum rank of a matrix with that zero-nonzero pattern over a field F closer to its lower bound √ n or to its upper bound n? We study random patterns with a given density p, and prove an Ω(n) bound for the cases when (a) p tends to 0 quickly enough; (b) p tends to 0 slowly, and |F| = O(1); (c) p ∈ ]0, 1] is a constant. We have to leave open the case when p → 0 slowly and F is a large or infinite field (e.g., F = GF(2 n ), F = R).