Oat (Avena sativa L.) ranked 6th in the world cereal production which is an important annual crop of rabi season. The genus Avena is very large and diverse and includes diploid, tetraploid and hexaploid species (Kaur and Kapoor, 2017). Genus Avena includes 70 species, most of the oat’s production in worldwide belongs to the hexaploid species: Avena sativa L. (widely cultivated white oat) (2n = 6x = 42. AACCDD) and Avena byzantina C. Koch (red oats) (2n = 6x = 42. AACCDD). Other minor cultivated species includes Avena abyssinica (Ethiopian Oats) (2n = 4x = 28, AABB) and Avena strigosa (Known by Black Oats) (2n = 2x = 14, AsAs) (Gorash et.al., 2017). There is tremendous variability available in oat germplasm studied to characterize and evaluate the exotic genotypes excluding checks using DUS guidelines of different nonmetric traits. Two ninety-four oat genotypes belonging to ten different Avena species procured from NBPGR were characterized on the basis of observations recorded for eight morphological non-metric characters as per the guidelines for the conduct of test for Distinctiveness, Uniformity and Stability. The observations were recorded on five randomly selected plants in each genotype for the following thirteen non-metric traits viz., Early plant vigour, growth habit, leaf colour, leaf sheath pubescence, flag leaf attitude, Panicle attitude, awn per spikelet, seed colour, stem solidness, primary floret pubescence, spikelet shattering, hullness and biotic stress susceptibility at Research cum Instructional Farm, IGKV, Department of Genetics & Plant Breeding, Raipur during Rabi 2019-20. Coefficient of variation and principal component analysis revealed variability among the genotypes for the non-metric traits evaluated. Highly Significant positive correlation showed among traits viz., seed colour (black) and biotic stress susceptibility (very low). PCA analysis showed that genotypes namely EC0004456, EC0099165, EC0178761, EC0104007, EC0537811 were very different from each other. Cluster analysis separated genotypes into four sub cluster: genotype EC0022023 with erect flag leaf attitude and brown seed colour (Avena sativa) present in different cluster and 23 genotypes with brown seed present in one cluster, all belongs to Avena sativa only one genotype IC0282934 belongs to Avena byzantina. Genotype namely EC0108477, EC0039402, EC0039915 (Avena sterilis) showed black seed. The genotype EC0178761 having compact panicle attitude. stem solidness, primary floret pubescence, spikelet shattering, hullness shows only one class.