Oxygen plays an essential role in the biogeochemical process and ocean productivity, especially during the recent trend of ocean warming. However, deoxygenation as a consequence of climate change receives less attention than ocean acidification and warming. Therefore, understanding the deoxygenation as an effect of ocean warming is indispensable. The maritime continent waters of Southeast Asia are well known on marine biodiversity and geolocation unique features that are inevitably impacted by climate change. This condition will suffer more due to less oxygen on the marine water. This review focuses on observing oxygen depletion changes and hypoxia in the maritime continent area, its potency, effect, and recommendation on how to monitor deoxygenation. Based on previous research, the Bay of Bengal has been affected by oxygen depletion, and climate change increases this hypoxic area. In other locations, coastal hypoxic occurred seasonally. However, dominating big cities in the coast area increase the vulnerability of hypoxic zones such as in Sangga Besar River Estuary, Bolinao and Anda Coastal, Manila Bay, Jakarta Bay, Cambodian Waters, and Bengal Bay. Deoxygenation mitigation is an initial step in anticipating global climate change. The monitoring of the hypoxic area is needed to inform the threat of the deoxygenation on the maritime continent of SEA.