A simple matrix is a (0,1)-matrix with no repeated columns. For a (0,1)-matrix F , we say that a (0,1)-matrix A has F as a Berge hypergraph if there is a submatrix B of A and some row and column permutation of F , say G, with G ≤ B. Letting A denote the number of columns in A, we define the extremal function Bh(m, F ) = max{ A : A is m-rowed simple matrix with no Berge hypergraph F }. We determine the asymptotics of Bh(m, F ) for all 3-and 4-rowed F and most 5rowed F . For certain F , this becomes the problem of determining the maximum number of copies of K r in a m-vertex graph that has no K s,t subgraph, a problem studied by Alon and Shinkleman.