“…As an example, for the pentahedron of Fig. 1b, the expressions for the interpolating functions of the edge element for the edges P 4 P 5 and P 2 P 5 take the form w e4,5 =s 4,5 /(2V e ) and w e2,5 = s 2,5 /V e , respectively, while the interpolating functions of the facet element for the facets S 3 and S 4 are given by w f3 =r 3 /(2V e ) and w f4 =r 4 /V e , respectively. By analysing the relevant integrals, where the geometrical forms provided are integrands, it may be easily inferred that the volume integral in V e of the product of w ei,j and the current density vector, or flux density vector, represents current, or flux, associated with the region next to P i P j .…”