Absfruct: Multilevel converters constitute the key technology of power electronics to reach the high power ratings required by controllers of Hexible AC Transmission Systems (FACTS). This paper shows that the Sinusoidal Pulse Width Modulation (SPWM) technique, as applied to multilevel converters, inherently requires a high switching rate. The paper then presents a strategy based on multiple modules of multilevel converters which operate with the lowest possible switching loss (each GTO switches ON and OFF only once during the niodulation period), while maintaining the high gain-bandwidth product of linea amplifiers to handle fast feedbacks, which FACTS controllers must be capable of, in order to carry out dynamic performance enhancement.
lNTRODUCTIONThe 100MVA size GTO STATCOMS which have been installed in Japan [l] and USA [2] are examples of the manufacturers' state-of-the-art in high power electronics for the electric power utility market. The GTOs are pulsed once per line frequency cycle to minimize switching loss. Real power is controlled by advancing or retarding the ac voltage phase angle. Ac voltage magnitude is controlled by increasing or decreasing the dc capacitor voltage. A high quality sinusoidal voltage waveform is synthesized by cancellations of harmonics in 8 square-wave voltages from 8 modules of GTO converters. Incidentally, in order to satisfy the high MVA required, the GTOs have to be connected in series and/or in parallel in order to augment the voltage/current ratings, so that the multimodules do not add to the cost.Anticipating the near future when GTOs can switch at a faster rate, research has already begun on sinusoidal pulse width modulated (SPWM) converters as controllers in Flexible AC Transmission Systems (FACTS) [3,4]. As SPWM-controlled converters function as linear amplifiers, they are suited to handle feedback and active filtering Signals, which are added to the line frequency ac template waveforms in the modulating signal.From research on multimodules of 2-level converters connected in parallel [5] and in series [6], it has been shown that the GTOs need to switch only at 300 Hz (number of triangles per modulating cycle, K, = 5 ) provided the "phase shifting triangle carrier technique" is adopted. When M modules are employed, the equivalent triangle carrier number is Kefi = MK,. Thus, as broad a frequency bandwidth as is required by feedback and active filtering signals, can be provided for, by the choice of M, the number of converter modules.Recently, the introduction of the multilevel converter concept [7,8] has added impetus to this line of research. The multilevel connection enables the ac voltage to be increased without transformers. The cancellation of low frequency harmonics from the ac voltages at the different levels means that the size of the ac inductances can be reduced.Up to this point in time, however, research [9-141 has shown that the Fundamental Frequency Method of switching is more promising than the SPWM method in controlling the multilevel converter. For exampl...