9Stretches of relaxed cat and rat muscle elicit similar history-dependent muscle spindle Ia firing rates that 10 resemble history-dependent forces seen in single activated muscle fibers . During 11 stretch of relaxed cat muscle, whole musculotendon forces exhibit history-dependence that mirror history-12 dependent muscle spindle firing rates, where both muscle force and muscle spindle firing rates are elevated 13 in the first stretch in a series of stretch-shorten cycles (Blum et al., 2017). By contrast, rat musculotendon 14 are only mildly history-dependent and do not mirror history-dependent muscle spindle firing rates in the 15 same way (Haftel et al., 2004). We hypothesized that history-dependent muscle spindle firing rates elicited 16 in stretch of relaxed rat muscle would mirror history-dependent muscle fiber forces, which are masked by 17 noncontractile tissue at the level of whole musculotendon force. We removed noncontractile tissue force 18 contributions from the recorded musculotendon force using an exponentially-elastic tissue model. We then 19 show that the remaining estimated muscle fiber force resembles history-dependent muscle spindle firing 20 rates recorded simultaneously. These forces also resemble history-dependent forces recorded in stretch of 21 single activated fibers and attributed to muscle cross-bridge mechanisms (Campbell and Moss, 2000). Our 22 results suggest that history-dependent muscle spindle firing in both rats and cats arise from stretch of cross-23 bridges in muscle fibers. 24 25 26 respectively, are constant offsets on fiber force and dF/dt. is a constant offset. For visualization, we chose 130 these parameters to be I = 1393 spikes/Ns, MI/MD = 3.6 spikes/N, I = 10 N, MI/MD = 5N/s, and = 34 131 spikes/s. Additionally, the yank and force components were subjected to a force threshold to emulate the 132 spiking threshold of the neuron.
Results and Discussion
135Muscle spindle firing rates appeared history-dependent in rats but muscultotendon force did not 136 As described previously, rat muscle spindle Ia afferents exhibited history-dependent firing rates in 137 response to repeated ramp-release stretch perturbations (Haftel et al., 2004). Initial bursts were observed at 138 the onset of the first stretch and firing during the first stretch was compared to subsequent stretches (Fig