In this paper, we study the Ramsey‐type weak Kőnig's Lemma, written sans-serifRWKL, using a technique introduced by Lerman, Solomon, and the second author. This technique uses iterated forcing to construct an ω‐model satisfying one principle T1 but not another T2. The technique often allows one to translate a “one step” construction (building an instance of T2 along with a collection of solutions to each computable instance of T1) into an ω‐model separation (building a computable instance of T2 together with a Turing ideal where T1 holds but this instance has no solution). We illustrate this translation by separating d-DNR from sans-serifDNR (reproving a result of Ambos‐Spies, Kjos‐Hanssen, Lempp, and Slaman), and then apply this technique to separate sans-serifRWKL from sans-serifDNR (which has been shown separately by Bienvenu, Patey, and Shafer).