The possibility of using graph models in project management to solve the problem of forming a project team and dis-tributing project work among potential performers is investigated. The possible areas of application of ontological modeling in project management are highlighted. The ontology of the project is implemented by means of the Protégé ontology editor. The possibility of constructing vector representations of elements of simple graphs and knowledge graphs in the problem of forming a project team is investigated. The main objectives of the research are: the construc-tion of graph models of projects, a simple graph and a knowledge graph; the use of vector representations of vertices and relationships of graph models to solve the problem of distributing project work. The possibility of applying seman-tic proximity measures in ontology is analyzed. The novelty of the proposed approach lies in the use of data on partici-pants in completed projects when forming a project team, which increases the chance of successful project implemen-tation. The representation of graph elements in the form of numerical vectors makes it possible to apply machine learn-ing methods to the study of the subject area. An example of solving the problem of forming a project working group is given, in which the executors of the project work are selected. All calculations were carried out using the Python lan-guage.