This article describes that at the moment the level of the Aral Sea and the volume of water has decreased rapidly. The desiccation of the sea affected the entire region of its former water area as a whole: ports were closed, fishing in industrial volumes stopped, since the salinity of the water increased almost 10 times, and many species of flora and fauna could not survive in dramatically changed conditions. The climate of the Aral Sea has also changed – winter has become colder and longer, and summer has become even drier and hotter. Salinization of unsalted arable lands and further salinization of saline soils increases every year due to wind dust and salt from the Aral Sea and other saline soils. To maintain the fertility of irrigated saline soils, their salinization is washed annually (mainly in autumn and winter). To do this, the lands are inspected and washed away. During the washing process, part of the water is absorbed into the ground and carries away part of the salt. Most of the water leaves the cultivated fields and returns to drainage channels, from which to water supply channels for irrigation of crops, and then to rivers. The distribution of the rate and concentration of salt and sand deposition depends on the height and time above the level, it was determined that a number of positive works were carried out to improve the condition of the soil, its rational use and increase soil fertility, as well as to maintain the fertility of irrigated saline soils, their washing.