An efficient, highly secure and simple method of short messages cryptography method will be introduced. The method will use a rearrangement key to encrypt-decrypt SMs, the key will be generated by running a chaotic logistic map model with a selected parameter, these parameters will form the private secret key which is known by the data sender and the data receiver. The private key will provide the necessary key space to resist hacking attacks. The SM up to I K bytes will be encrypted-decrypted using RK, if the message size is greater than 1 K bytes, the message will be divided into blocks of 1 K bytes’ length, and each block can be encrypted-decrypted using its own RK. The method will be simple and easy to implement, and it can suit any message with any length, the process of encryption is based on putting the character from the SM in its position maintained in the RK, the decryption will be implemented by recovering the characters from the decrypted SM by the indexes in the RK from the index 1 to the index L (L: is the message length). The proposed method will be implemented using various SMs, the results will be analyzed. Based on the obtained values of MSE, PSNR, CC and NSCR it will be proved that the proposed method satisfies the quality requirements in the encryption and decryption phases. The speed of the proposed method will be tested and the obtained results will be compared with other methods speed to show the improvements provided by the proposed method.