“…Although the well‐known “forecast combination puzzle” shows that the simple mean combination cannot be systematically outperformed by any other combination approaches in out‐of‐sample evaluations, we still introduce another prevailing combination scheme as a robustness check. This combination scheme is the discount mean squared prediction error (DMSPE) combination method, which is widely used by a large body of research (see, e.g., Lin, Wu, & Zhou, ; Ma, Li, et al, ; Rapach et al, ; Stock & Watson, ; Wang et al, ; Zhang, Ma, Shi, & Huang, ; Zhu & Zhu, ). The DMSPE forecasts can be computed as the weighted averages of individual forecasts: where denotes the DMSPE forecast at day t , is the i th individual forecast of interest, ω i , t − 1 denotes the ex ante combining weight of the i th individual forecast formed at t − 1; the DMSPE weights are determined by where where m is the length of in‐sample estimation period and θ denotes a discount factor.…”