This study examines the linkages between the socio-economic background of households and their housingchoices in the urban enclaves of Ghana. Multi-stage sampling technique was used to select 900 participantsfrom the study areas. Questionnaire was used to glean data from the participants. Pearson correlation andmultinomial logistic regression were used to estimate the level of association between socio-economiccharacteristics of households and their housing choices. The study found that the choice of housing type wassignificantly associated with sex (χ2=56.004, p<0.001), education level (χ2=238.895, p<0.001), marital status(χ2=28.871, p<0.001), occupation (χ2=202.110, p<0.001), monthly income (χ2=275.682, p<0.001), locationof household (χ2=46.112, p<0.001) but not household size (χ2=18.642, p=0.42), age (χ2=10.229, p=0.113)and religion (χ2=10.361, p=0.110) of the household head. The multinomial logistic regression estimates thathousehold heads with no formal education compared to household heads with master degree are .055(p<.001) times less likely to live in a detached/semi-detached house compared to compound house. The studyreiterates the importance of having an informed policy on neighbourhood design and development,particularly when designing houses for people of particular socio-economic and cultural backgrounds.