Introduction: Although foreign body aspiration (FBA) can be a life-threatening event, it still can be Preventable. One of the most important risk factors for FBA is a lack of knowledge by the caregivers. Moreover, there are only a few publications evaluating parental knowledge, and none of them address the parents' level of education.
Aim of the study:The primary aim is to evaluate parental knowledge of foreign body aspiration among Saudis, and to correlate FBA knowledge with parental level of education; the secondary aim is to choose the most suitable method to spread the knowledge of FBA prevention, and to compare parental knowledge of FBA between Saudis and other nations.Method: A15 FBA-related items questionnaire was developed. The questionnaires were distributed to parents attending routine check up in different outpatient clinics across the two largest advanced secondary hospitals in Dammam city located in the Eastern Province of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.Results: Out of the 500 questionnaires distributed, 452 were recovered and mothers answered most of them. Only17 questionnaires were incomplete and excluded, while 435 questionnaires were analyzed. The studied group was divided into two groups based on level of education; the first group is the middle and high school graduates and was about 55%, and the rest, 45%, were the college graduates. One third of the parents in both studied groups did not recognize a small toy, and/or peanuts as a cause of FBA. Regarding clinical presentation of FBA, 14% and 27% of mothers did not know that sudden choking and coughing were symptoms suggesting FBA, respectively. No statistical significant difference in both studied groups (p-value = 0.785).
Conclusion:A substantial number of parents globally including Saudis lack knowledge regarding FBA even among college graduates. To prevent FBA, and to make timely diagnoses, parents should have a thorough continuous education regarding FBA risks, presentation, and management.