Hydroponic experiments were conducted inside the phytotron growth chambers for investigating the response of rice plant to nanoparticles of Fe and Zn under ambient (390±10 ppm) and elevated (610±10 ppm) atmospheric CO 2 concentration. The 100, 500, 1000 ppm n-Fe 2 O 3 or n-ZnO and FeSO 4 or ZnSO 4 were supplied. At 500 ppm concentration of both n-Fe 2 O 3 and n-ZnO particles, highest accumulation of Fe and Zn to the extent of 1471 mg kg −1 and 1158 mg kg −1 respectively, was recorded. The trend in accumulating Fe or Zn among the treatment was 500 ppm>1000, ppm>100, ppm>FeSO 4 or ZnSO 4 >control. Irrespective of treatments concentration of Fe and Zn was highest in root followed by stem and leaf. At elevated CO 2 concentration the accumulation of Fe or Zn was increased in all the plant parts.