The age of majority, which corresponds to the age of 18 years in most European countries, plays a crucial role for a large number of legal decisions. Accordingly, an increasing number of requests by authorities to forensic age estimation experts comprise the question of whether the age of 18 years has been reached by an individual. In recent years, novel study data suggested that magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the knee might likewise allow for the determination of majority beyond reasonable doubt. However, the data basis, especially concerning the distal femoral epiphysis (DFE), is still poor. For this reason, 392 routine MRI cases of the knee (204 males and 188 females of a Western Caucasian population, aged between 12 and 25 years) were retrospectively analyzed. T1-weighted and water-selective fat-saturated PD/T2-weighted sequences, generated at 1.5 and 3.0 T clinical MR scanners, were available. Ossification stages of the DFE were determined by means of the classification system by Vieth et al. (Eur Radiol 2018; 28:3255–3262). Both the intra-observer agreement and inter-observer agreement were found to be “very good” (κ = 0.899 and κ = 0.830). The present study confirmed that MRI of the DFE is suitable to determine majority in both sexes when stage 6 is present as the study revealed minimum ages above the age of 18 years for this stage (20.40 years in males and 20.60 years in females). Accordingly, the data represent a strong support for the so far existing database. Hence, the investigation of the knee using routine MRI appears to become a realistic alternative for forensic age estimation practice in the near future.