At a long-term experimental trial in northern British Columbia, Canada, I analysed the impact of varying amounts of timber retention: 0% (clearcut), 40%, 70%, 100% (unharvested) on CWD volume, decay class, and inputs from windthrow over 27 years. I used attributes (diameter, length, decay class, and height above the ground) known to be favourable to marten to create an index for assessing the impact of harvesting intensity on CWD habitat features. I then used airborne laser scanning (ALS) to predict CWD volume, habitat value, and piece attributes over the landscape. Stands with 70% retention had CWD attributes that resulted in CWD habitat features similar to unharvested stands. Clearcuts contained pieces that were smaller, more decayed, and closer to the ground, which contributed less valuable habitat, compared to stands with higher retention. Windthrown trees were the majority of CWD inputs and volume change was positively related to percent retention.