In the last years, particularly, from the instability phase which Dilma Rousseff`s government suffered (that ended in a parliamentary coup, supported by civil sectors), certain groupsin isolationstarted to call for military intervention in the Brazilian government, in order to "solve" the current problems. Articulated to this, in addition to the fact that the ex-President of the Republic Jair Messias Bolsonaro, when he was still a federal deputy, have taken advantage of space in the Chamber of Deputies to invite all listeners to read the book written by the agent of repression and torturer Carlos Alberto Brilhante Ustra (A Verdade Sufocada), one of the main negationist works about the Military Regime and which had a high number of sales after the indication of Bolsonaro.From now on, several pages of Facebook, channels of YouTube, among other social networks began to be dominated by negationist groups, who shared a common goal: show the "other side of history". With the capillarity of internet and the high interconnection of social networks, these groups got a bigger voice, just as they gained more followers, starting a "negationist campaign" directed, especially, to the period of validity of the Military Regime in Brazil. Taking into account the growth of these virtual communities, it becomes relevant to study which intellectual bases underlie their views and reinforce the arbitrariness present in their speeches, as well as the risks that historical negationism brings to Brazilian democracy.